End of a journey
Sold all my code of jobkent.com and finally my journey with jobkent come to end. Still remember the day when during pandemic I was excited to start something and then thought job market currently is most Disturbed so I started jobkent for helping jobskeers. After almost 1 year I am happy that I took that decision and learned a lot from this journey. When I thought of starting jobkent I had no idea how this all is going to happen. I had not much experience of developing website or doing business but I remember I worked continuously for more than 18 hours for developing website. From continuously sitting for that many hours infornt of laptop I used to get pain in my eyes. I used to get dream about code while sleeping. When I competed that website that was the most amazing feeling. If you will ask me what I receive from all that hard work, I would say a other than a amazing experience. I made a lot of amazing contacts. Some of them are CEO of big startups and I Never hesitate to approach them for collaboration with my startup. I approach lot of companies for posting their jobs in our platform and not only they loved our services and platform but also made successful hires. So overall it was a wonderful experience. But I know my startup journey just begin now it's not going to end till my death. Now I have a lot of believe in what I can do and what I can achieve.
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